Tag Archive: southern poverty law center



By Lee Duigon
October 17, 2013

Many of our friends on the Left—libs, progs, Democrats, whatever they want to call themselves—insist that they have no religious beliefs. They’re too smart and sophisticated for religion.

But they do have things that they hold sacred, and will defend with a zeal not permitted to Christians.

If we Christians were to demand that anyone who says “There is no God” be charged with blasphemy and hate speech, fined, or imprisoned, what would people think of us? Of course, even though Christians don’t demand such things, libs ‘n’ progs always accuse us of doing so. The ACLU, the Freedom From Religion mob, and the Southern Poverty Law Center are always crying “wolf!” over Christians supposedly picking on their sniveling little clients, and they’re getting rich doing it.

But anti-Christian speech is never punished. It’s enthroned, applauded, rewarded, enshrined in television shows, movies, and public education.

Christians are not the ones demanding—and getting—stricter and stricter “hate speech” laws. Christians are not the ones being exalted by the courts and “human rights” agencies as a “protected class” that may never be offended. A person who belongs to a protected class—by virtue of his atheism, sexual carryings-on, foreign origin, skin color, or whatever else gives him an “identity”—has rights superior to those of anyone who doesn’t. Our courts, legislatures, and bureaucrats have created a superior class of citizens.

If a Christian were to demand that anyone be forced to pray, he’d be laughed out of court, after receiving a harsh tongue-lashing from the judge. But the courts routinely award atheists the power to stop people from praying.

Look at the things you can get in trouble for, these days. Any criticism of homosexuality, any refusal to “celebrate” it, will land you in hot water. Ask the couple in New Mexico who declined to photograph a lesbian mock-marriage, or the couple in Oregon who declined to create a custom-made “wedding” cake for one of these wing-dings, or the couple in Iowa who declined to have such an odious ritual performed in their art gallery. The state has hammered them. And they’re not the only ones, but the list is too long to reproduce here.

Meanwhile, libs ‘n’ progs are all over the media demanding that “climate change denial” be made a crime, punishable by fines and imprisonment—clowns like James Hansen in America and David Suzuki in Canada get the red carpet treatment when they call for this. Are they ever dismissed as fanatics?

The Left always demands that the coercive power of the state be brought to bear against anyone who speaks against any of the things that they hold sacred. Wrong opinions must be silenced! In the name of diversity, they insist on uniformity of thought.

If that’s not religious fanaticism, then what is it?

It’s true that Christians, hundreds of years ago, used violence to enforce belief, and committed devilish crimes in God’s name—usually against other Christians who had the “wrong” form of Christianity. Those acts were nothing that Jesus Christ or His apostles would have recognized as Christian. But it was centuries ago, and we have grown out of that ungodly phase of our development.

One of the favorite tactics of libs ‘n’ progs is to identify Christianity with Islam, as in, “Religious believers fly planes into buildings!”—as if anyone who’s ever done that has practiced any religion other than Islam. At the same time, they are remarkable for their deference to Islam. It can only be because they admire the rigor with which Islam deals with “infidels,” and wish that they could do the same.

So, yes, the Western world is in the grip of religious fanatics—people who use all the force that they can muster to suppress ideas that they don’t like. But they’re not Christian fanatics. They’re humanist fanatics.

Is it any accident that, at a recent pro-abortion rally in Texas, the supporters of abortion, humanists all, loudly chanted “Hail, Satan”?

When all is said and done, Satan is the god of humanists and Satanism their religion. It goes all the way back to Genesis, when the serpent corrupted Adam and Eve with the temptation, “Ye shall be as gods.” They wish to be as gods, sitting in God’s seat, doing the things God does.

Let us close with the most famous humanist prayer, from “The Humanist Manifesto II

“Using technology wisely, we can control our environment, conquer poverty, markedly reduce disease, extend our life-span, significantly modify our behavior, alter the course of human evolution and social development, and provide humankind with unparalleled opportunity for achieving an abundant and meaningful life.”

It’s all a load of bushwa, of course.

But still, their infernal master must be proud of them.

© 2013 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Lee Duigon, a contributing editor with the Chalcedon Foundation, is a former newspaper reporter and editor, small businessman, teacher, and horror novelist. He has been married to his wife, Patricia, for 34 years. See his new fantasy/adventure novels, Bell Mountain and The Cellar Beneath the Cellar, available on www.amazon.com

Website: LeeDuigon.com

E-Mail: leeduigon@verizon.net





Exclusive: Scott Lively offers evidence the tide is turning in favor of ‘normal people’

Published: 5 hours ago

author-imageby SCOTT LIVELY Email Archive

Dr. Scott Lively is the founder and president of Defend the Family International and has been since 1997.  An attorney, pastor and human-rights consultant, he has promoted and defended the biblical view of marriage and family in more than 30 countries. He is the author of five books, including “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party.”


Long ago in my early days of Christian activism, when I was working with my friend and then mentor Pastor Lon Mabon of Oregon Citizens Alliance, we often talked about how things just did not seem to be getting any better in Oregon despite our efforts (yet we accomplished much!). He used to repeat the old English proverb “It’s a long worm that doesn’t turn,” meaning every successful movement (in this case the homosexual movement) will eventually have a reversal of fortune.

Well, it has been a very long worm indeed that has not wavered the slightest bit off its course these many years, but I think the “gay” worm may finally be starting to turn. It began to turn on the day Chick-fil-A Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy refused, in the face of a firestorm of criticism, to back down from his statement: “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’” Instead, when pressed to the wall he replied without apology, “Guilty as charged.” Finally a high-profile Christian had stood his ground – and the crowd went wild. Then on Aug. 1, Mike Huckabee’s Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day gave all of America the chance to unite behind Mr. Cathy’s simple but bold stand. It was a staggering success.

Panic swept across the “gay” movement. They realized with the terror of a thief caught in the very act that their attempt to crucify Dan Cathy constituted a serious overreach. When their puppet mayors of Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia – in the full glare of the national media spotlight – pledged to deny Chick-fil-A the right to do business in those cities, America collectively witnessed “gay fascism” for the first time. And they didn’t like it. The sleeping giant was aroused. The frog suddenly felt the heat and jumped out of the pot.

The cow got out of the barn – and then all of them together went to Chick-fil-A for lunch to express their moral outrage.

But the story didn’t end there. In the deep primal recesses of the tiny liberalism-shriveled brain of Floyd Lee Corkins, the panic turned to anger and then to rage. This homosexualist foot soldier, slaving feverishly for the homosexual cause at Washington D.C.’s LBGT community center, decided he would take revenge for the humiliation of his movement at the hands of the “homophobic” Christians. So he bought a gun and many bullets, and a bag of Chick-fil-A sandwiches, and with mass murder in his heart, embarked on his own personal jihad against the nearby Family Research Council. By God’s providence only one man was wounded in the attack. (We pray for that man and for the misguided Mr. Corkins.)

Floyd failed in his mission, but FRC’s Tony Perkins did not fail in his. Perkins correctly pointed the finger of blame at the Southern Poverty Law Center, probably the most dangerous homosexualist organ in the nation because of its power (as the perceived “independent arbiter” of hate groups by law enforcement and media) to defame and marginalize any individuals or organizations that oppose the “gay” agenda. The SPLC simply labels us “hate groups” and voilà – that becomes the tag line for every subsequent news story in the mainstream media, and perhaps even “probable cause” for local or federal criminal investigators.

Now, suddenly, the SPLC’s fascist tactics are also finally in the spotlight, and they’re not at all happy either. How, after this, can these left-wing radicals get away with posing as “neutral” observers? It will be impossible! Also, the groups and individuals who have been victimized by SPLC are now cooperating together to pressure Fox News to stop using SPLC and its co-conspirators as pundits. You can join that effort here.

Several weeks ago the Lord gave me a prompting that I now recognize as advance notice of the worm’s turn. He inspired me to go to Springfield, Mo., to raise a ruckus about the sexual-orientation anti-discrimination ordinance the City Council was planning. I call these “gay fascism bills.” A sexual-orientation anti-discrimination bill is the seed that contains the tree of the entire homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit. I know from long experience that the “gays” never forward these bills without first having the votes locked in. The public comment period is all for show, meaning opposition is generally futile.

Nevertheless, for the first time in years (in the U.S.) I jumped into the fray, using my own notoriety and negative press (in large part generated by the SPLC) like a judo move to create a controversy about the bill in that Christian conservative city. It worked in spades. And in the weeks since I came home the public outcry against it, stoked by my good friend Pastor Mark Kiser, has risen steadily. I learned this week that the City Council has now tabled that bill! This is a huge victory – and a turning point in the culture war. Because, while we have had victories on holding back “gay marriage,” which is our strongest and their weakest issue (what I call “fire-break” votes), we have not in a very long time had a victory on “discrimination,” which is our weakest and their strongest issue (especially when the vote is in the hands of elected officials).

Now we know that when the leftists attempt to push a “gay fascism bill” in politically conservative areas, our response must be to create controversy to draw public attention to the bill so that the people wake up and realize there’s a problem. Throw out the old playbook of acting nice and trying to persuade the public officials through reason. They think they are smarter than you all anyhow and have already made up their minds. They need to see angry crowds with tar and feathers in hand coming to run them out of office! Indeed, the Mayor of Springfield complained to the media that he was extremely bothered by threats of recall by the citizens.

If you find out there’s a “gay fascism bill” coming to your conservative town and need help exposing it to the public, just give me a call and I’ll come to help. Invite me to give a speech on my book “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” or address the global threat of homosexuality – or to give a give a sermon or lecture on ANY aspect of the homosexual issue. When they hear I’m coming to town every left-wing fanatic for miles around will start wailing and gnashing their teeth, and normal people will start popping their heads up to see what’s going on. Once that snowball of public controversy starts down the hill it takes very little effort to keep it rolling till it smashes right through the doors of city hall like an avalanche.

Friends, I believe the worm has begun to turn and the backlash against the fascistic “gay” agenda has finally started. As Christians we need to steward this process and keep it civil and positive. Our goal is not merely to stop their agenda, it is to advance our own: a genuinely family-friendly society grounded in healthy biblical values. To that end, it is time for our side to begin showing the contrast in clear unequivocal terms. We need to expose every aspect of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda to public scrutiny and at the same time remind everyone that God’s plan for sex and marriage produces as much good and health as “sexual freedom” produces harm and disease.

Last week’s vindication by the University of Texas at Austin of the Mark Regnerus’ study exposing the dangers of “gay” parenting is both another sign of the worm’s turn and a tool for every pro-family advocate to use.

Likewise, the choice of the Center for Marriage Policy to come against “gay marriage” on the grounds of public health, talking again about the diseases associated with homosexual conduct, is a very smart move. They have declared September “Protect Marriage Month” and are circulating a flyer detailing the many health risks of homosexuality. We need to bring back public discussion of AIDS as a “gay” disease, pederasty as major subculture of male homosexuality, mental health problems and domestic violence as major problems associated with lesbianism, the increasing recruitment of children into a homosexual identity through experimentation with “gay” sex, etc. – all the truths we stopped telling because the other side screamed so loudly about them.

Now is the time to step out from the behind the defensive bulwark of “traditional marriage” in which our only argument is that “marriage is between a man and a woman.” It is time to start taking back some of the ground we have ceded to the other side in the face of their overwhelming public-relations superiority. Their marketing strategy to cast homosexuality as benign and even socially beneficial has finally hit the brick wall of reality. The phony facade is beginning to crack and crumble like an eggshell does when a baby chick is ready to be born.

I admit that in the past few years I have been more pessimistic than most about our prospects for rolling back the “gay” agenda. And I am not so naïve to think these few hopeful signs mean that we will eventually win the culture war. This may be temporary, perhaps even the first step in the end-times revival some of us believe will occur (which revival in my view must necessarily involve this most central moral issue of our age). However, I believe that at least in the short term the tide of battle is turning, and that looking back from some point in the future we will identify Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, or more accurately the day Dan Cathy refused to bend the knee to political correctness, as the turning point.


By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.
December 16, 2011

If you do not know of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and their more than questionable tactics, allow me to give you a glimpse of their bias and hate agenda in light of its recent articleagainst me and others.

SPLC Tactics

The SPLC has a mission to destroy any person who attempts to (re)implement the principles of the U.S. Constitution as portrayed by America’s founding generation. They attempt to accomplish this by using rhetoric of hysteria. They use guilt-by-association logic and attempt to paint with very broad and fuzzy brushes. Reason.com agrees on this point.

SPLC never defines the terms it uses; it only uses them to ridicule, denigrate, and marginalize, hoping the public will discredit those people SPLC demeans before the public has a chance to listen to the substance of what SPLC’s targets are saying.

SPLC’s use of logical formula is as liberal and unbounded as their idea of the federal government’s power over the States and individuals. (How, then, does SPLC and the Department of Homeland Security get along so well?)

SPLC Unfounded Attack on Patriots

In its article, SPLC alleges Montana is a hotbed for antigovernment whack-jobs (despite the fact that their “hate-map” shows Montana scores relatively low even by their standards). SPLC names as “antigovernment extremists” my dad,Chuck Baldwin; fellow Flathead County resident and Oath Keepers founder, Stewart Rhodes; and Sheriff Richard Mack—and they associate me, Timothy Baldwin, as the same. Forget proven track records of scholarship, statesmanship, education, reputation, and credentials. Those are non-factors in their reporting.

SPLC attempts to convince the public by using comical cartoons they drew on cardboard instead of showing you the live show in real time on a big-screen TV. After all, with the use of strobe lights, even the most uncoordinated and untrained man dances well; and in the dark, even the ugliest person can say she is pretty.
Eliminate Their Threat

SPLC is threatened and therefore feels compelled to marginalize Chuck Baldwin given his recent announcement to run forMontana’s Lt. Governor. They would HATE to see Chuck Baldwin in this executive position, which is all the more reason for you toSUPPORT HIS CANDIDACY. Electing Chuck Baldwin would undermine SPLC’s life’s work. Chuck’s candidacy makes the SPLC mission precarious given that Politico.com named Montana as thenumber 1 gubernatorial election in the nation.

Why doesn’t SPLC use any of Bob Fanning and Chuck Baldwin’s campaign platform in their articles? It is open for all to see:www.Fanning-Baldwin.com. Perhaps because their platform would bring to public attention their effort of legitimately restoring constitutional government. SPLC does not want to argue points of history, philosophy, and law.

It is not so surprising that SPLC uses the same tactics against other individuals and groups that are protecting and pursuing the Supreme Law of the Land as bequeathed to us by our honored forefathers. Such groups include, for example, the Tenth Amendment Center and Rep. Matt Shea (R-WA), among many others.

SPLC Spreads Lies and Disinformation as Fact

SPLC has a serious problem with its references and use of those references. They have apparently confused the standards of journalism with a fictitious writer’s license of creativity. Unfortunately, some very foolish people actually believe what SPLC spews. Here are just a few fact distortion samples in its recent article.

Lie Sample #1: Tim Baldwin’s Campaign for FVCC Trustee

SPLC states that I ran for an elected position on the trustee board at Flathead Community College. In context of its article, SPLC would have the reader feel that my candidacy is something to be feared and shunned. That is to say, Timothy Baldwin is an extremist, antigovernment wacko, and he is running for a public position and getting sizeable portions of votes. Oh, no!

However, SPLC fails to mention that some of my opponents and opponents’ supporters told me I displayed honor and professionalism; focused on issue-based discussion; and was someone whom the current board of trustees could see themselves working with—this coming from both Republicans and Democrats.

To SPLC, that information was not newsworthy. Why?–because it would paint me (one of their targets) in a positive light and would undermine their fabrication.

Lie Sample # 2: Baldwin Institute of Education

SPLC asserted that Chuck Baldwin and I started Baldwin Institute of Education to teach children about American Revolutionary History. Given the context of their article about antigovernment and militia extremists, their spin on this is blatantly apparent: they want people to think Tim and Chuck Baldwin are trying to brain wash children to get ready for a war against the Feds!

Their description of the Baldwin Institute of Educationdemonstrates poor journalism to say the least; first, because only I started the institute—not Chuck Baldwin; second, because I started it primarily for homeschoolers to give them classical education; third, the institution offered many courses (see below for list); and fourth, because they never asked me—the first-hand source—about the educational program.

Where did SPLC get the “fact” that the institution was to teach children about American Revolutionary history?—from a reliable source? It is not too difficult to see where SPLC likely derived its distorted and incomplete information. Look here where this SPLC-like group in Montana describes my formation of the institution as, “Right Wing Re-education Camp Opening in the Flathead.” Like SPLC, that “Montana group” did not attempt to contact me about my education program. Their journalism appears as un-credible as SPLC’s, if that’s possible.

SPLC ignored a much more reliable source (a site hosted by a highly educated doctor in climate physics called,www.polymontana.com) that shows the institution as follows: “Courses will include Philosophy of Human Nature, Society and the State; Logic of Deductive and Inductive Reasoning; History of Colonial America and the United States of America; and Law of Jurisprudence and the Constitution.”

Conveniently for SPLC, they took what they wanted from the facts to distort the thinking of the readers to fit their agenda.

Lie Sample #3: Montana ‘Militia’ Advocates Are Antigovernment

SPLC loves to throw around the word “militia” as a bad word. They attempt to characterize any person who holds a militia to be necessary to a free State to be an antigovernment, violent, federal-government-hating extremist. SPLC’s common target in this regard is the founder of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes—an attorney and graduate from Yale law school and veteran Army paratrooper, who also lives in Montana.

SPCL says about him, “Rhodes is laying the groundwork for a new militia and is calling for citizens to adopt a barter economy to escape the bondage of U.S. currency.” Consequently, they tag Rhodes, in undefined form, as “conspiracy-minded.”

First, SPLC ignores that (a) the United States Constitution, Second Amendment, expressly states that each and every State must be well-armed and well-regulated to maintain its freedom; and (b) this militia force was not as against foreign intrusion, but primarily against federal government intrusion; (c) the Federalist Paper writers confirmed this constitutional reality repeatedly and used it as a basis to convince the States to ratify the constitution of the United States of America.

Second, SPLC ignores the fact that Montana’s constitution and code provide for and require a militia made up of both an organized and unorganized militia (See, 10-1-103, MCA)—the unorganized militia being exactly what Rhodes discusses in his Oath Keepers platform.

Third, SPLC would have Rhodes appear to be a wacko because he educates people on the subject of bartering for the purpose of offsetting the risks and dangers of a declining dollar. SPLC proves its utterly depraved sense of reality in this regard as bartering is a method of trade that has existed since humans existed and has proven to be successful during times of economic depression—not to mention, bartering is simply a display of the natural laws of self-preservation and self-improvement.

Fourth, SPLC ignores that the United States Constitution mandates that no State “make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts” and that the Federal Reserve System created by the federal government undermines the Supreme Law of the Land in this regard. Yet SPLC would have the public believe that those trying to prepare for alternatives to an unconstitutional economic system are the ones who are crazy.

Lie Sample #4: Chuck Baldwin and Other Montanan Patriots Are White Supremacists

SPLC tries hard to make people like Chuck Baldwin, Stewart Rhodes, and others appear racist to discredit their reputation instantaneously.

Let us be clear: I am not racist; Chuck Baldwin is not racist; Stewart Rhodes is not racist; Matt Shea is not racist; Richard Mack is not racist. And there is not one piece of evidence to suggest otherwise.

Some of my closest friends are of African descent. The same can be said of Chuck Baldwin. Stewart Rhodes openly reveals that his ancestry comprises a mix of minority races, and he has openly denounced racism in his platform, as does Chuck and as do I.

SPLC shatters its own credibility by trying to link credible people with others who are openly white supremacists or the like.

Lie Sample #5: Liberty Fellowship Membership Comprises Antigovernment Racists

SLPC again uses guilt-by-association logic and tries to portray Chuck Baldwin’s Liberty Fellowship church in Kalispell, MT as a gathering of antigovernment, white supremacists.

First, SPLC ignores that there is no membership requirement at Liberty Fellowship. The doors are open for anyone to attend. Chuck Baldwin will minister to and speak to anyone who will listen. This is what Jesus said: “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink” (John 7:37 kjv).

I presume then SPLC would have pastors turn people away at the door or kick them out of the congregation where they do not believe in SPLC’s version of “truth”—which is what? I wonder how many people who have attended President Obama’s events are felons or otherwise despicable people. I presume SPLC would not hold Obama or other big-government advocates to the same standard they obviously require of Christian pastors.

Second, SPLC ignores that Chuck Baldwin’s sermons are live-streamed on the internet every Sunday for the entire world to see and listen. The message is not being hidden; there is no secret agenda. Like every church in America should be, the message of truth and reason is available for all to hear.

Third, SPLC ignores the quality of people who regularly attend and contribute to Liberty Fellowship’s services. It also ignores that there are people who attend that are Chinese, African, Spanish, Canadian, Native Indian, among other ethnicities.

Lie Sample #6: Description of Chuck Baldwin as Having Abandoned His Former Church

SPLC throws out this word when describing Chuck Baldwin’s retirement from Crossroad Baptist Church, a church in Pensacola, FL he founded and pastored for 35 years!—“ Last fall, he arrived in Kalispell after abandoning a church he led for 35 years in Pensacola, Fla.”

This description clearly demonstrates bias and distortion of fact—not to mention, SPLC never defines “abandoning” but only uses the word in attempts to make Chuck Baldwin appear in the worst light.

The truth is, when Chuck Baldwin retired from his former church, he made sure the church was not without a senior, experienced pastor one Sunday. And to this day, that same senior pastor that the church accepted upon Chuck Baldwin’s retirement still leads Crossroad Baptist Church. Apparently, the church more than accepted this new pastor; they love him.

Be Aware of the Wolves

The essence of SPLC and their articles are despicable and demonstrate how journalism can go bad.

People like the SPLC will always exist. They always have. We just have to be aware of who they are and lend them no credibility. As Scriptures says, “Give honor to whom honor is due” (Romans 13:7). We do not give honor to whom honor is not due. Instead, we “resist the devil and his ministers, so they will flee from us.”

Subscribe to Timothy Baldwin’s articles by going towww.LibertyDefenseLeague.com. Order Timothy and Chuck Baldwin’s recently released book, Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission by going to www.Romans13Truth.com.The protection of our counties, states, and union rests in our ability to govern ourselves and guard liberty. Outing the SPLC for who they are would be a great stride to that end. Meanwhile, as long as people like the SPLC consider me a threat to their agenda, I will wear that as a badge of honor.

© 2011 Timothy N. Baldwin, JD – All Rights Reserved

Timothy Baldwin is an attorney licensed to practice law in Montana (and Florida) and focuses on constitutional issues. Baldwin graduated from the University of West Florida in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in English and Political Science. In 2004, Baldwin graduated from Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, AL with a Juris Doctorate (JD) degree. From there, Baldwin became an Assistant State Attorney in Florida. For 2 1/2 years, Baldwin prosecuted criminal actions and tried nearly 60 jury trials. In 2006, Baldwin started his private law practice and has maintained it since.

Baldwin is a published author, public speaker and student of political philosophy. Baldwin is the author of Freedom For A ChangeRomans 13-The True Meaning of Submission, andPolitical Discussions for People of States–all of which are available for purchase through Liberty Defense League. Baldwin has also authored hundreds of political science articles relative to liberty in the United States of America. Baldwin has been the guest of scores of radio shows and public events and continues to exposit principles which the people in America will need to determine its direction for the future.

Web site: LibertyDefenseLeague

E-Mail: tim@libertydefenseleague.com