By Servando Gonzalez
December 21, 2013

A few days ago disinformer extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh began a propaganda campaign to prove that Pope Francis is a Marxist. Limbaugh bases his attacks on the fact that the Pope has expressed his displeasure for the so-called “free” trade capitalism in his Apostolic Exhortation of November 24, 2013. “This is just pure Marxism coming out of the mouth of the pope,” said Limbaugh.[1]

It is important to keep in mind that Limbaugh caters to a generation of listeners who were brainwashed in the existence of a Cold War between evil Communism and good Capitalism. To these people, “Marxism” is a synonym of Communism.

But, contrary to comon belief, Communism is not the creation of Karl Marx. Actually, Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, a.k.a. Karl Marx, published hisCommunist Manifesto in 1848. But the Manifesto borrowed so heavily from Clinton Roosevelt’s book The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law, published in 1841, which Marx found at the Reading Room of the British Museum, that it was close to a plagiarism. Dr. Emanuel M. Josephson, one of the few authors who has studied the subject in detail, titled his book on Clinton Roosevelt Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto.

Josephson was absolutely right. Both Roosevelt’s Science and Marx’s Manifesto agree on the prerequisites for the implementation of the new communist society:

1. Abolition of private property
2. Heavy progressive income tax
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels
5. Creation of a Central Bank
6. Government control of Communications & Transportation
7. Government ownership of factories and agriculture
8. Government control of labor
9. Corporate farms, regional planning
10. Government control of education
11. Abolition of religion
12. Abolition of the family as basic social unit

It was not by chance, however, that Marx found Roosevelt’s book. In 1849, both Clinton Roosevelt and Horace Greeley, owner of the New York Tribune, the country’s first national newspaper, provided funds for the Communist League in London to pay for the publication of Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Moreover, Greeley put Marx on his newspapers’ payroll.[2]

So, in honor to truth, we should stop calling Communists “Marxists.” The true synomym for Communists should be “Roosevelists.” Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. On the other hand, just a perfunctory reading of the planks needed for the implementation of Communism shows that currently the U.S. is well advanced on its way of becoming a Communist country.

But wait!. It seems, that not only Communism, but also Fascism is an American invention.[3]

In 1912, way before Mussolini rose to power in Italy and Hitler in Germany, Edward Mandell House, a secret agent for some Wall Street bankers and oil magnates, wrote his novel Philip Dru: Administrator. The book, actually a political manifesto thinly disguised as a novel, is a blueprint for a fascist takeover of the U.S. government through a coup d’état.

The fact that both Communism and Fascism are the creation of international bankers explains why the Rockefellers have always been in love with Castro and every other communist and fascist dictator in the world. It may also explain why puppet Obama is pushing America in the way of communo-fascism with the full support of Wall Street bankers.

But only brainwashed Americans who still see the present situation as a political battle between conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats have a reason to be surprised, because there is nothing to be surprised about Obama. Barry Soetoro is just the logical conclusion of a process that began a long time ago, in the early 1900s. Its secret goal was turning the American Republic, and eventually the world, into a communo-fascist totalitarian dictatorship under the control of a few international bankers and oil magnates. This would be a totalitarian dictatorship very similar to the one Fidel Castro has successfully tested in Cuba for over half a century on behalf of his Wall Street masters (more on this in a coming article). This new global totalitarian dictatorship is what the conspirators call the New World Order.

Is Pope Francis a Commie?

It is interesting to see that initially the Left accused Pope Francis of being a Fascist linked to the military in Argentina, and now the Right is accusing him of being a Communist. Well, if both the Fascist Left and the Communist Right have a grudge against Pope Francis, to me that is a sure sign that he is doing something right.

Rush Limbaugh wants make us believe that he is a true defender of capitalism. But, what type of capitalism does he defend? Mon and Pop capitalism? No. He is a defender of monopoly capitalism. To Rush Limbaugh, corporations, particularly transnational corporations, are the true models of capitalism.

But Limbaugh cannot be more wrong.

Probably the best feature of capitalism is competition. Competition is the force that makes businesses lower their prices and offer better products or services. But the ultimate goal of monopoly capitalism, the type of capitalism favored by big corporations, is to destroy their competitors. John D. Rockefeller, the inventor of the trust — a precursor of the corporation — expressed it very clearly when he affirmed, “Competition is a sin.”

Actually monopoly capitalism is not capitalism at all, but socialism, either in its Fascist or Communist varieties. Ultimately, Fascism is the state controlled by the corporations — Benito Mussolini called Fascism “lo stato corporativo” (the corporate state), while Communism is the state controlling the corporations.

But we are currently experiencing the birth of the communo-fascist New World Order, a socio-political aberration in which the state controls some corporations while some mega-corporations and international bankers control the state. The NWO comprises the worst characteristics of both Communism and Fascism.

Why is Rush Limbaugh so intent on defaming Pope Francis? The reason is simple: the new Pope has refused to be a tool of the New World Order, and Limbaugh is the NWO’s obedient disinformation tool.

Limbaugh the Disinformer

Probably the most influential among the professional disinformers whose main job is to confuse the American people and keep them unable to focus on the real enemy is talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. I am using Limbaugh as an example, not nly because he is a faux conservative, but because he is the most important agent in the two-party PsyOp — a psychological warfare operation whose goal is to make the American people believe the two main political parties have diferent agendas.

Rush Limbaugh has always despised the “black helicopter crowd,” implying that only those afflicted by a peculiar mental disease could believe or contemplate such claims. He openly mocked these beliefs in his so-called “Kook Test”:

“Do you believe that David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and other famous members of the New World Order provide daily instructions to agents of the FBI, CIA, BATF, and National Organization of Women? Do you believe that the feminist movement was the brainchild of David Rockefeller for the purpose of having men and women at war with each other on a daily basis so as to distract them from the real conspiracy of the CFR? If you have answered even one of these questions “yes,” then you are a kook and have passed the test.”

He has been very careful, however, in hiding from his listeners the fact that in his Memoirs David Rockefeller himself confirmed that the Rockefeller family is “part of a secret cabal working against the best interest of the United States.” He also wrote that he and his family are internationalists “conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure —one world, if you will.” Moreover, he added: “If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”[4]

In the same fashion, on February 8, 2009, speaking at the at 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof, National Security Advisor Major General James Jones, told those in attendance: “As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today.”

Moreover, Limbaugh has never mentioned that in July, 2009, in a speech at the opening of the new CFR headquarters in Washington D.C., just across the street from the State Department, Hillary acknowledged the fact hat she is a CFR puppet when she admitted that from then on, “I won’t need that far to go to be told how we should be doing and what we should think about the future.”

So, David Rockefeller himself has confessed that he is conspirirng with other around the world to radically change it, and two senior government officials have admitted that they get their orders from the Council on Foreign relations. So much for Limbaugh’s “Kook Test.”

But talk radio is a relatively new phenomenon. Actually, the talk radio’s brainwashing job is a complement to the excellent brainwashing job that has been carried out for many long years by the American mainstream media. However, if one is to believe Rush Limbaugh, the mainstream media in under the control of the Left. He fails to mention, though, that the U.S. mainstream media is owned by the Right, which means that if they allow their leftist employees to control the information it is only because it benefits the owners’ secret agenda.

Limbaugh the Brainwasher

I always refer to Rush Limbaugh as “disinformer extraordinaire,” because he is by far one of the best. How can we positively identify a professional disinformer? It is relatively easy. Look for these two signs: constant repetition and inconsistency.

One of the favored brainwashing techniques used by professional disinformers —which also allow us to identify them— is constant repetition. They repeat a few key concepts over and over until they are embedded in the target’s unconscious mind. Once it is done, the target will think that the ideas are his, without realizing that they have been implanted in his mind.

This technique was successfully used by Hitler through radio and by Castro through television. And constant repetition is one of the main characteristics of Limbaugh’s radio show. Just listening to him for half an hour you will hear the words “conservatives,” “Republicans,” “liberals,” and “Democrats,” repeated over and over dozens of times. Another words repeated over and over are “administration,” as in “the Obama administration” or “the Bush administration,” “bipartisan,” and “both sides of the aisle.” To professional brainwasher Limbaugh everything is just a matter of partisan politics, and the only parties he mentions in his program are the two factions of the Repucratic Party. He sometimes mentions the Tea Party, but the Tea Party is just a faction of the Republican Party.

Another clear sign that we are facing a professional disinformer is inconsistency. Disagreement is part of the democratic, civilized way of living. The expression of contradictory points of view by different individuals is strong evidence of freedom and a very healthy feature of a democratic republic. Also, we need to acknowledge the fact that sometimes people change their points of view with the passage of time.

What is not acceptable, however, are contradictory points of view expressedby the same individual at the same time. It is precisely because of their inconsistency why most people don’t like politicians. Inconsistency is the mark of the opportunist and the liar. It is also the mark of the professional disinformer.

It seems that the worldview of Limbaugh and the rest of the disinformers like him is reduced to the narrow field of partisan politics (bipartisan politics actually means Council of Foreign Relations-controlled politics). Anything else that cannot be explained by partisan politics apparently is irrelevant to Rush.

He never tries even to explain is why, despite of all the partisan rhetoric, when it gets in power the new “administration” never even tries to undo the bad things made by the previous “administration.” On the contrary, what we see is a seamless continuation of the same disastrous anti-American policies.

Also, you never hear in any of Limbaugh programs the words “New World Order,” “North American Union,” or “Council on Foreign Relations.” And when a caller begins questioning the government’s actions during 9/11, he is cut short and called a leftist loony.

It is interesting to notice that, though Limbaugh and other disinformers of the Right call themselves conservatives, they evidence the belief in one of the most obnoxious characteristics of the liberal’s ideology: situational ethics, which is just a fancy name for moral relativism.

True conservatives are not supposed to believe in moral relativism. To them, some actions are right or wrong disregarding the political affiliation of the perpetrator. To faux conservatives like Limbaugh and most of his listeners, however, an action is right or wrong depending of the political affiliation of the person who carries it out.

Limbaugh practically ignored the existence of Ron Paul during his presidential campaign, and only mentioned Dr. Paul to criticize him. Also, Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin was nonexistent to Limbaugh. On the other hand, he gave lots of coverage to John McCain, who played the same treasonous role Gore and Kerry played in previous presidential campaigns. By the way, it is not a coincidence that the three of them, Gore, Kerry, and McCain, are proud members of the treasonous Council on Foreign relations.

When George W. Bush’s treasonous activities against this country became so blatantly obvious that it was becoming impossible to ignore them —his attitude towards illegal immigration was probably the most notorious—, even some of the minor brainwashers like Sean Hannity began criticizing him a little bit. But not Rush Limbaugh. He was adamant. Everything that meant even the slightest criticism of George W. Bush was and still is anathema for him.

© 2013 Servando Gonzalez – All Rights Reserved


1. See, Elias Isquith, “Rush Limbaugh: The Pope Sounds Like a Marxist,”, November 29, 2013.
2. Some people believe that both Clinton Roosevelt’s Science and Karl Marx’sManifesto were plagiarized from yet an earlier eighteenth century collection of writings by Adam Weishaupt, and that Roosevelt simply picked up the torch and passed it on to Marx, but that’s another story.]
3. Look for the first issue of my political satire comic OBSERVANDO, titled “American Inventors,” to appear in January, 2014. There will be a version for the Apple iPad and a .pdf version to read on all tablets and ßcomputers.
4. David Rockefeller, Memoirs (New York: Random House, 2002), p. 405.

Servando Gonzalez, is a Cuban-born American writer, historian, semiologist and intelligence analyst. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. Servando is the author of Historia herética de la revolución fidelistaObservando, TheSecret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol, The Nuclear Deception: Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis and La madre de todas las conspiraciones: Una novela de ideas subversivas, all available at

He also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations and Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California, both available at the author’s Website.

His book, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People is available at Or download a pdf copy of the book you can read on your computer, iPad, Nook, Kindle or any other tablet. His book, OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters, is available at Servando’s book (in Spanish) La CIA, Fidel Castro, el Bogotazo y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, appeared last year, and is available at and other bookstores online.

His most recent book, I Dare Call It treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of the America, juste appeared and is available at and other bookstores online.

