Coronavirus Panic: NBA, Travel, Twitter — All Up In Arms

Cheryl Chumley, Washington Times | Mar 13, 2020 | Fresh Ink | 12 Coronavirus panic: NBA, travel, Twitter — all up in arms

Leftist meltdown!

President Donald Trump suspended all travel to and from Europe for 30 days, Twitter execs told all employees to work from home, the Pentagon put a stop to member visits to countries with coronavirus cases for 60 days, and the NBA formally suspended its season after one player tested positive for the virus.

The coronavirus, declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, has officially entered panic zone.

And there’s more: Schools around the nation are closing, are considering closing and are canceling events left and right, from proms to perhaps graduation ceremonies. The NCAA basketball tournament will go forth — so far — but without attending fans. March Madness, indeed. 

Hollywood is up in arms, wondering how best to protect itself — how best to avoid a Tom Hanks-Rita Wilson infection.

All but six states in the United States have reported cases of coronavirus; nearly three dozen of them have resulted in fatalities.

Cities are canceling St. Patrick’s parades; the National Guard was sent to a suburb in New York to help contain the virus; churches are shuttering; Harvard, Duke, Yale, Cornell, Princeton — all these universities and more have suspended classes and told students to get their lessons online.

Trump just canceled a planned rally in Colorado. A Senate staffer just tested positive — and that means Capitol Hill is poised for a clearing of the population, just wait and see.

And you can’t find a bottle of hand sanitizer on a store shelf anywhere in America any more.

Now comes this headline from The Hill: “Tests indicate coronavirus can survive in the air.”

That’s after days of being told the virus was not transmitted through the air, unless direct contact was made with a sneezer’s sneezy stuff, or a cougher’s coughy matter.

“Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in aerosols for 42 multiple hours and on surfaces up to days,” states the study from scientists at Princeton University, the University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of Health.

The study’s still awaiting peer review. But the message is out — so, too, will be the face masks.

It’s officially panic time, it seems. The markets reflect the unease.

Trump, in an Oval Office speech, called for a setting aside of politics and a national spirit of unity. Cooler heads would be good, too.

Cooler heads and a media narrative that doesn’t sensationalize.

As Trey Watkins, the senior vice president of global health and corporate responsibility for GCI Health, said in a PR Daily remark on Feb. 28: “I think we have to remember that the large majority of the world’s population are not infectious disease experts.”

Granted, that statements was made a couple weeks ago.

But the message still holds true. And so does the number one advisement from the real health professionals: Wash your hands. Frequently. That’s simple. That’s hardly medically complicated. And that’s still key to containing the spread of the virus.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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